Terms & Conditions

1. About Our Head Spa

- Difference Between Salon Shampoo and Head Spa

A salon shampoo is designed for quick hair cleansing, while a head spa provides deeper scalp care using oils, creams, and massages to improve scalp health and offer relaxation.

- Why is the Head Spa More Expensive?

A head spa treatment takes more time, uses specialized techniques, and incorporates premium products, providing comprehensive care for your scalp and hair, which is reflected in the price.


2. Treatment Information

- What Does the Treatment Involve?

Our head spa treatments include hair washing, steam treatments, and blow-drying, offering gentle care for both your scalp and hair.

- Sensitive Skin or Health Conditions

If you have sensitive skin or a medical condition, please inform us in advance. Steam or water may come into contact with your face during the treatment, so it’s important to address any concerns prior to your appointment.

- Refunds for Shortened Treatments

If your treatment needs to be shortened or adjusted, please note that we are unable to offer refunds for the change in duration.


3. Cancellation Policy

- Cancellations or Changes

Cancellations or changes must be made at least 24 hours before your appointment during business hours. Cancellations or changes made within 24 hours of your appointment will incur a cancellation fee of at least 50% of the service fee.

- Booking Deposit

The deposit paid at the time of booking will be applied toward your service fee. If you cancel or change your appointment within 24 hours, the deposit will be retained as a cancellation fee.

- Multiple Service Cancellations

If multiple services are canceled within 24 hours of the appointment, 100% of the deposit will be retained. A new deposit will be required to secure future bookings.


4. Late Arrival Policy

-*Late Arrivals

If you arrive late, your treatment time will be shortened to accommodate the original end time. We appreciate your understanding, and please note that there will be no discount or refund for reduced service time due to late arrival.


5. Payment Methods

- Payment Options

We accept cash, credit cards, and coupons. A deposit is required at the time of booking, and the remaining balance is payable upon completion of the service.

-6. Returns & Refunds

- Product and Service Refunds

We accept returns on products only if they are unopened and unused. Refunds for opened products or services already rendered will not be provided.


7. Health & Safety Guidelines

- Health Conditions and Allergies

Please inform us of any allergies or health conditions prior to your appointment. We take great care to maintain a clean and safe environment and adhere to strict hygiene protocols to ensure your safety.


8. Privacy Policy

- Protection of Personal Information

Your personal information is kept secure and used solely for the purpose of enhancing your experience with us. We do not share your information with third parties.


9. Additional Guidelines

- Facility Use Rules

Our salon is a non-smoking environment. Additionally, we kindly ask that you refrain from bringing pets to the salon.

- Insurance

In the event of any issues during treatment, our salon’s insurance may apply. Please feel free to ask staff for more details if needed.


10. Special Guidelines for Pregnant Clients

During our head spa treatments, you may be required to lie on your back for extended periods. This position could be uncomfortable or pose a risk to pregnant clients. Therefore, we strongly recommend obtaining approval from your healthcare provider before scheduling a treatment.

Your safety and comfort are our top priority. If we determine that the position or treatment may not be suitable for you, we reserve the right to decline the service to avoid any health complications. If you are pregnant and considering a head spa treatment, please do not hesitate to contact us in advance so we can discuss the best approach for your care.

YUKI Japanese Head Spa Pty ltd
